Conselho Técnico

Concerning the implantation of scientific and technical policies, the Coordinator, the board of Vice-Coordinators and the Management Committee will receive advice from the Scientific Technical International Council (CTCI) integrated by worldwide renowned researchers in the areas of expertise of the institute. This CTCI will also evaluate, from the state-of-the-art viewpoint and taking into account current scientific perspectives in the international community, the INCT-MACC Annual Activity Report. In this sense, the council will provide comments about the results achieved by the institute, eventually providing recommendations to ensure that the goals and activities proposed in the INCT-MACC Scientific and Technical Program are successfully accomplished.

The chairman of the CTCI will be the Vice-Coordinator Prof. Raúl A. Feijóo, who can summon the CTCI members to hold, at least, one meeting each two years. Such meeting must coincide with Management Committee (CG) and Executive Committee (CE) meetings.

For the period 2015-2021 the CTCI will be integrated by the following researchers:     

Prof. Alfio Quarteroni.
Prof. George Karniadakis.
Prof. Enrique Zuazua.
Prof. Elazer R. Edelman.